International Trademark Application (Madrid)

International Trademark Registration

The Madrid System for the international distribution of trademarks allows individuals and businesses to register trademarks by filing a single application and paying a single fee. The application also makes it easier for companies to manage their portfolio, as they do not need to manage trademarks by jurisdiction. The Madrid system consists of the Madrid Agreement, which has 55 members, and the Madrid protocol, which has 100 members. The Madrid Union has 104 members and the term is used for Agreement and Protocol members.

There is a difference between international trademark registration and national registration of trademarks. It is the right of a country to accept or refuse registration of a trademark, regardless of the international registration status of that trademark. The Madrid System is administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) International Bureau. The trademark owner can extend the protection available under the international registration to member jurisdictions by the process of ‘designation’. They can also renew registration across multiple jurisdictions without dealing with these separately.

Besides the advantages of using the Madrid System for trademark registration, there are also some disadvantages of international trademark registration that applicants should consider. For instance, canceling an existing registration within five years will also cancel the international registration. Similarly, if the basic registration application is rejected, the international application will also be rejected.



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The video below discusses US trademark registration, but the general concepts also apply to international trademark registration.

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